Hello everyone! I hope all is well back home! It was so great to get on my email today and see all of your loving messages! Amber, I better get one this week! So two days ago I sent a letter home, I was given three stamps for my time at the MTC, and I don't have much time to write so I sent you guys a combined letter (and then one to Chelsea). I hope that you understand. It will take a few weeks because of the postal here and the distance. So you will probably only get one letter from me while I am here at the MTC. And I will probably be gone before any letters come to me, but don't worry, the MTC Pres. will forward them to my mission and I will get them (just longer than normal). Anyways, I am so glad to here home is doing well, and I know that you all miss me and trust me, I miss you guys, but I am so caught up in the work that I hardly have time to think of home. I LOVE IT HERE! It is so great to be constantly learning of the Gospel and how to show others it. My companion and I are doing great and are slowly bonding (his name is Elder Chuzu (Choose with a Z sound) and I couldn't see myself serving with anyone else. But more of that in my letter I sent. Please feel free to send this to anyone that you want and share what you want, I want everyone in our family and friends to know how great of time I am having here! The weather feels like late August back home, it is cool in the morning and chilly in the day. The Elders and I are bonding like no other, the friendships and brothers I am gaining, I will always remember. Today is Tuesday, we were to go to the temple but it is closed so we are having a Pday, my next one will probably be next tuesday as well. Saturday we are going to the mall in Joburg and shopping for a few hours and just relaxing (we learn for 10 hours a day and are always on MTC grounds, so it will be nice to get out for a bit!). Speaking of 10 hours...try to imaging learning of God and His Plan for 10 hours a day for 20 days, it's hard to imagine, but that is what I do and I love it! The insight to the gospel that I am receiving is something that I feel everyone should do. There should be a MTC for everyone! haha.
Well I must cut this short so I can write short to all of you:
Family and Friends, I love you all! Send me mail! I have to go, I am way over time and others are waiting to email! Goodbye for now, talk to you soon. (I'm working on my accent, hopefully it comes quickly haha!)
With the Strength of the Lord and true Love,
Elder Brian Rodney Naylor
Sorry everyone I am new at this blog stuff. Will get better. THE MOM